So they say that torturing someone is the only way to get answers out of some in war. And in they i mean our army and in army i mean our GOVERNMENT. yes our Government is the ones calling the shoots on this one. But when we ask someone like our president he say that he doesn't allow torture in the country and if it is happening it is going on behind his back. But hold on if this is HIS country, and HE runs this country how does he not no what is going on in Iraq when right now that is the most important thing going on in the war. The war is the most talked about and important thing going on in the whole world but some how our president who runs the most free and the toughest country has no clue about the torture going on every day. I don't think so. Sometime that big can not go right past your eye and you not know it is going on. That is ridicules and maybe right now our most serious time that we need our strong leader he should wake up and see whats going on right in front of him. Now i think he is a great president don't get me wrong but i don't think that on this subject me and him don't see... eye to eye. And his eyes is exactly what he should open and see what is going on in the war in Iraq.

A prisoner being tortured
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
2nd Stongest Point
My second strong point i have on the augment is what people are going to say about our country after we do all this to people. What is going to happen to the name "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN", What are the people going to say when they hear that the most free country in the whole wide world we have is not the dirtiest and cruel country in war. That name "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" is not going to mean as much when we take that much of an advantage over the weak and scared prisoners we get and hold captive. The matter of the fact is that the name will not represent the best and most free country anymore. It will begin to represent the opposite of that and people will not give us the everyday people and our country the respect we get from everyone in the world by just saying "I AM AMERICAN". |
My Strongest Point
My strongest point in my augment is going to be the Constitutional right that we all have. We all have human rights, either and every one of us. Human rights are also called natural rights. People are entitled to them regardless of where they live in the world. It doesn't matter what a person's race, sex, age, class, language, beliefs, culture or religion is, or how much money or education a person has, we all have the same human rights. There are many international documents that deal with human rights, for example the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Many countries with different social, political and economic systems have signed this document. This means that even though they may have different ways of doing things and different beliefs, they believe basic human rights apply to everyone. One of the main reasons for these acts are for the respect for human life and human dignity.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
My (NEW) Side of the Story
My position i am choosing for my argument it Con on torture in Iraq. I don't believe that torture is the way to go about torture. There is torturing for information which is going to happen in war at one time of another that we the people cant handle but then there is torture for pleasure and fun which is what i am very much against. It is not right to the person being tortured or for the people watching it knowing that that is going to be them in a few hours. This is against the Human Rights Law in our Constitution and is just not right in general. If we are such a great and perfect country we should not be torturing people for the pure pleasure of seeing some one get so badly hurt that they can walk and or speak for the next couple of weeks. If we torturing for just pleasure that what kind of example is that going to show our enemy. They are going to want to do the same to us for retaliation and then we are going to be sorry that we even started torturing. I say we stop it now before it gets totally out of hand.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Con for Torture in Iraq
Isn't this against Human Rights? Isn't this what our country says we are better then? Why would someone want to do this to another human being? These are probably questions that you have heard your friends, family, and teacher say to you before. This is because is could be wrong and inhumane to do, but that is just some peoples thoughts and opinions. Some people could never see them self's doing this to a animal let alone another human. There are plenty of different ways to get a answer out of someone with out beating them till they crack. It is not right and against the law that our own congress passed. There are many not harmful or less brutal ways to get information that they believe to be crucial to the lives of many people in our country. Also when someone else is beating someone, is anyone stopping and thinking of what the person being helplessly beaten is feeling. There has been numerous amounts of times that the man or women being beaten has nothing to tell and since they are scream they don't no anything, the soldier beats them more because he thinks she is not telling the truth. All of this is a horrible thing to do to another person and many feel that this should never go on in life let alone in the war!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Pro for Torture in Iraq
Some say that torture is needed in war and that torture is important in war to figure out information that might have a huge impacted in our country or the lives of our troops stationed in and around Iraq. Some say that there are no rules in a war, and we can do what we chose with other captured enemy's. But is the torturing we are doing in Iraq helping and worth it? Well the torturing that the US is often doing is becoming useful at sometimes. Our troops have found out more information and leads on things that we have ever expected. Our troops have probably saved more lives than they have sacrificed in trying to find this information.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Torture in Iraq
Some people say that our country is to good for dirty war. Some say that the US is better and to respectable. But if you look beyond the news, and beyond the gossip you will see we are just as bad... if not worse then other country's. There are many articles, videos, and pictures of men and WOMEN torturing and then praising over there kill like a hunter does after a good kill. They are seen giving the thumbs up and smiling as the men and women are positioned in sexual and inappropriate ways. Not only is this inhuman but extremely again the law that our congress made so that these things would not go on, at least from the United States.
This is the first time that women had ever been recorded and see doing the torturing. When ever there were pictures or videos out of the US torturing the enemy it was always the men doing the work and women were no where to be found. But now we are seeing many if not just as many women as there is men doing the torturing to our enemy's. Not only is this a change for the country that we are using torturing way more but this is a change that now more people are getting involved with it. Which is now including women.
This is the first time that women had ever been recorded and see doing the torturing. When ever there were pictures or videos out of the US torturing the enemy it was always the men doing the work and women were no where to be found. But now we are seeing many if not just as many women as there is men doing the torturing to our enemy's. Not only is this a change for the country that we are using torturing way more but this is a change that now more people are getting involved with it. Which is now including women.
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